Domestic Work, Imperialism and Independent Organization

One Struggle Miami attended an event put on by the Miami Workers Center, WeCount and other local non-profits to announce the commencement of a campaign advocating for a Domestic Worker's Bill of Rights. Domestic laborers, local union members and politicians spoke on the importance of domestic work and their right to "Protection! Dignity! Respect!" The [...]

Landlords and the State – unified to leech off of us!

Living in the least affordable city in the state with the least affordable housing market in the country will squash any illusions you have about landlords and local government looking out for the people. I live in a duplex where I can see the Miami River, watching yachts and party boats glide by any day [...]

Organize – Or Else!

In order to build surface tension, water molecules use the power of cohesion, a force that allows hydrogen bonds to attract one another and form bonds, coming together. In turn, surface tension allows water to resist rupture when disrupted or stressed, form droplets, and support small objects that adhere to it. Ultimately, this is one [...]

They Snatch Our Rights – We Bite Back!

Matthew Bowler / After a brief rally in front of the courthouse in downtown San Diego, protesters headed east on Broadway on Friday, June 24, 2022 A few days ago – on June 24th, 2022 – the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and hinted that they would “revisit” other rights the [...]

DeSantis and the Florida Fasc

Every time Florida ends up in national headlines - whether it be new hijinks from the elusive Florida Man, video footage of 15-foot alligators on a Sunday stroll, or the passage of shockingly reactionary legislation - folks will declare "I am never going to Florida! That place is a terrifying heap of garbage!" As a native [...]

We Scream for Change and They Respond by Supporting the Status Quo

From national, state, to even local politics, we are told one thing over and over again; if you want change, vote in the right people and change will be delivered to you. To be frank, our needs and the interests all of our elected politicians end up representing are diametrically opposed. We cannot just vote [...]

We Must Take Our Cities Back from the Bourgeoisie!

Credit: Justin Santora/The Chicago Reader The people of South Florida have always lived at the mercy of capitalists. Since it was developed, the working and laboring classes of South Florida have been moved around like chess pieces on a gameboard, used by the bourgeoisie to shape the world in their interests – not [...]