We Must Take Our Cities Back from the Bourgeoisie!

    Credit: Justin Santora/The Chicago Reader The people of South Florida have always lived at the mercy of capitalists. Since it was developed, the working and laboring classes of South Florida have been moved around like chess pieces on a gameboard, used by the bourgeoisie to shape the world in their interests – not [...]

      Brazilian Horror Story: Starring Real Estate Interests and Police Repression

      Children at CCBB. Front sign says “CCBB Occupation – Protected Under Law 6657/2020”. Sign in the background says “When housing is a privilege, occupying is a need!” Credit: @imatheusalves Wednesday, April 7 saw a true war scene take over Brasília, the not-so-famous capital of Brazil.  On one side, military police teams heavily equipped with rubber [...]

        Fascism or Progress: Where are we headed?

        A youth, not yet an adult in the eyes of the state, murdered strangers in the street in the name of fascistic ideology. One more year and he would have had a badge and gun paid for with our taxes, with qualified immunity to enact the murderous pursuits of the state, like those inflicted on [...]

          Radical or #Radical™: Reflections on Recent Protests

          In moments of political upheaval and widespread popular uprising, it’s the job of a progressive organization to resist getting swept up in swelling action and continue to look steadily toward the future - to the consequences of our current moment and to the inevitable ebbing of energy and enthusiasm that activism tends to dead-end into. [...]

            Honoring a True Revolutionary

            On July 16, 2020 this world lost an exceptional and exemplary human due to COVID19. Daniel was a true revolutionary militant. We will commemorate his life and contributions to the struggle with an online memorial on Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 8pm EST. Please click here to RSVP. Below is a note written by one [...]

              Batay La Film Screening

              Join One Struggle in Tallahassee, FL for two events! In 2012, One Struggle traveled to Haiti to meet with textile workers organized with Batay Ouvriye (Workers' Struggle), an independent organization known throughout Haiti as a fierce, uncompromising movement dedicated to reconstructing Haiti in the interests of workers, peasants, and the poor. Following the trip OS set up [...]

                Lessons from Haiti: Demarcate to Unite

                 Around the world, people are mobilizing, protesting, even revolting. The failings of capitalism and imperialism in its most recent form of neoliberal policies are clear - extreme inequality, austerity, privatization, exploitation and domination of people and planet. In Chile, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong and Haiti, record numbers of people have taken the streets [...]