Congo: They Play Workers Like Football

An Interview with Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha is an Associate Professor at California State University, Northridge who joined the Religious Studies Department in 2003. Dr. Nkulu-N’Sengha teaches courses in African religions, Americans’ religious diversity, and comparative religion. The interview was conducted by Marlon Stern (artist and activist in the Los Angeles area, who also transcribed [...]

A Garment Worker in Bangladesh Speaks Out

by Stephanie McMillan Mina* was 15 years old last year when she started working at Pretty Group, a garment factory in Gazipur, a suburb of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She spoke of her situation: “We suffer a lot because they don’t give us enough salary. I receive 5000 taka (less than $65) per month. They don’t pay [...]

Hanes: ensure workers are re-hired and paid 500 gourdes!

Here's a link to a half-page leaflet (pdf) ready for printing & delivery to Hanes retail outlets and offices, in whatever geographic location you happen to be. Please let us know about your experiences, and Batay Ouvriye as well: RRNleafletHANES And here's a cartoon saying pretty much the same thing:  

Two new reports from the minimum wage struggle in Haiti

NOTE: These 2 reports are very roughly translated with the help of Google translator, so may contain errors. Apologies in advance if that is the case. *** Report from Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight), Nov. 17: 250 workers participated in debate around the minimum wage. St. Cyr, a member of the CATH, talked about all the [...]

Artists & Writers Support Haiti Wage Campaign!

In just one week, 90 artists, musicians and writers from all over the world — including four Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists — enthusiastically offered their support for the struggle in Haiti for a rise in the minimum wage to 500 gourdes ($11.50) per day! For their statement and list of signatories, read more… […]