The Invasion

by Ricardito Ramos

They came weapons blazing
Erasing our memory,
Painting a candy coated version of history
They came fortified,
We were petrified
Yet in our rebel eyes, we reflected the conviction of our people
We were terrified yet full of fire
The fire for freedom that left us inspired
We rose up against the overseers
Their armaments were superior
But we had stronger hearts, a rugged interior
Massacres were ordered
We were slaughtered
The curse of their presence is still present in the waters
The hills still contain the blood
Our people’s stories were swept under a rug
They never left
They became us,
Our culture crushed,
Raping our resources for their “nations”
now they use corporations,
Plundered for generations, yet we never gave up
Now soon their time will be up
Self-determination means self preservation
No more self hate, that’s self-discrimination
Don’t let them portray you as walking battered souls
Imperialists got an upper hand, but it’s bound to fold
When we remember how to rise up against them
And turn their own weapons against them
Oh such madness! Is what they will claim
We are tired of the sadness that they brought, let’s ignite those flames
For freedom and turn on their protective gangs
Their invasion became an occupation that won’t last
We craved freedom since years past
We need the revolutionary struggle of the working class
We hold the power
Our struggle blossoms like a flower
Their fate will be sealed on the final hour
The fight will be great, we will be healed from the poisonous stings of those cowards!
They came weapons blazing
But we will win, oh how amazing!
Their system will be burned,
the power of the proletariat and the people will have its turn!!!
