Building the flame

by Ricardito Ramos Under the veil of darkness, The silence that sparks this Loudness, the roar of those trampled upon, Shall unleash against the beast that feasts upon them Making the living the walking deceased In the dreams of peace Created by the dominated That were taught hatred Yet exhibit the most potent love Looking [...]

Videos: Anti-Imperialist Festival, Miami 7/28/12

Some of the music at the Anti-Imperialist Festival, 7/28/12 at Libreri Mapou, Miami [youtube] Askultura [youtube] Jan Sebon [youtube] Kiki Wainwright

This painting is a mess…

Huang Yuxing, New Order Hurtling Down the Proletariat by Kiki Wainwright No matter how life is painted now – white over black, red, the color of blood or green, the hope that changes are imminent – this painting’s a mess… No matter how the lower class struggles in bad weather, the big boss [...]

Haiti and Imperialist Domination

by Jan Makandal Since capitalism reached the stage of imperialism, many imperialist countries have initiated and developed relations with Haiti. From the onset, these have been nothing but relations of domination. This analysis divides that history into three periods, with an emphasis on the third: 1) The period from our independence to 1915 2) From [...]

The Invasion

by Ricardito Ramos They came weapons blazing Erasing our memory, Painting a candy coated version of history They came fortified, We were petrified Yet in our rebel eyes, we reflected the conviction of our people We were terrified yet full of fire The fire for freedom that left us inspired We rose up against the [...]

Video: A Definition of Imperialism

US visualization of imperialism A presentation by Abdy Javadzadeh, in 2011 at FIU, Miami, followed by discussion. [youtube]   Abdy Javadzadeh goes over past and contemporary theories on imperialism, explains imperialism and global capitalism in the Fordist manifestation prior to World War II and how it has developed from then to now.

Affirming the Concept of Progressive Militant

By Jan Makandal In a period of political turmoil, turbulence and chaos, our task will emerge for the continuation of the struggle. For us to comprehend and perform that task, theoretical clarity is imperative. Our aim is not for control, but to understand the necessity of our situation through developing a clear systematic theoretical guide, [...]