Two new reports from the minimum wage struggle in Haiti

NOTE: These 2 reports are very roughly translated with the help of Google translator, so may contain errors. Apologies in advance if that is the case. *** Report from Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight), Nov. 17: 250 workers participated in debate around the minimum wage. St. Cyr, a member of the CATH, talked about all the [...]

Report from Batay Ouvriye

On November 7, the Collective Textile Factory Union (KOSIT) organized a march from the CODEVI Free Trade Zone, through various popular neighborhoods in the area, to the center of Ouanaminthe. More than 8000 workers took to the street demanding 500 gourdes ($11.50/day), a pittance. Workers also demanded free transportation, lunch room, health care and retirement. [...]

Artists & Writers Support Haiti Wage Campaign!

In just one week, 90 artists, musicians and writers from all over the world — including four Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists — enthusiastically offered their support for the struggle in Haiti for a rise in the minimum wage to 500 gourdes ($11.50) per day! For their statement and list of signatories, read more… […]

Interview with Cindy Sheehan

One Struggle member Amy interviewed war protester and Candidate for Govenor of California Cindy Sheehan. Cindy: Who am I? I'm a peace activist and a social justice activist and my son was killed in Iraq on April 4th 2004.  Ever since then I’ve been fighting really hard for peace and against the empire, and today [...]

Capitalism is in Deep Crisis: We Must Organize for an Alternative

The capitalist class is in deep crisis, and facing the necessity of taking extreme measures to restructure capital for its continued survival and reproduction. The struggle among them over how to handle this has been intensifying over the past 20 years or so, and is becoming ever more politically antagonistic. Even their bourgeois democratic structures [...]