A Brief Report on May Day in Miami

On May Day we celebrate the history of workers’ struggle around the globe, as well as strengthen our determination to build a movement that can do away with capitalism and imperialism! In Miami, our May Day Committee was formed with One Struggle, MAS (Miami Autonomy & Solidarity), and the Broward Green Party. Many additional individuals [...]

Report back: DEP Hearing on Oil and Injection Well Drilling in the Everglades, 04.11.14

By Sarah Cruz Snowy Egrets. Big Cypress National Preserve - Sweet Water Strand. Porous limestone, pumping aquifers, crystal clear springs, estuaries, birds, turtles, fish, manatees, panthers, birds, BIRDS. A slow moving river of grass. Drinking water, life.  I really cannot articulate the magic, beauty, and life force that is Florida. Whether or not [...]

Whistle the World – Whistleblowing and the Left

By David O'Connor Russell Corn, the leader of major private intelligence firm Dilligence, believes that 1 in 4 activists at nonprofits are corporate spies. In the radical left, which idealogically holds more of a threat to corporations than reform-oriented non-profits, that number might actually be true. And this is without counting all the government spies that have infiltrated [...]

Capitalists Vampires Threaten Our Home

Capitalists want to frack the Everglades. One Struggle members will be attending a hearing put on by the EPA about the subject. The struggle against ecocide is a fight against Capitalism! Click this image to download the flyer we will be handing out. The text is below that. Click the image to download the flyer [...]

Hanes: ensure workers are re-hired and paid 500 gourdes!

Here's a link to a half-page leaflet (pdf) ready for printing & delivery to Hanes retail outlets and offices, in whatever geographic location you happen to be. Please let us know about your experiences, and Batay Ouvriye as well: batay@batayouvriye.org RRNleafletHANES And here's a cartoon saying pretty much the same thing: