Report Back: Miami Climate March

By Jorge Quintana Wednesday, November 14th – climate activists and organizers marched in cities around the country, demanding ‘real’ action on climate change under the banner of “The People’s Climate March.”  These marches were primarily organized by big environmental NGOs like and the Sierra Club. In Miami, a rally and march was held in [...]

Astroturf Organizing

The following is an excerpt from a document written by a veteran of several paid organizing campaigns. He's worked for SIEU (he did not work on the Fight for 15 campaign, but several of his friends did) as well as a living wage campaign. "I got into it because it was what I was good [...]

May Day in Haiti!

Below are some May Day photos from Cap Haitien, Port-au-Prince and Ouanaminthe. This is what class struggle looks like! The combative workers of Haiti should be an inspiration to us all, to step up our game and join up with this international struggle in the way we need to, everywhere. Share it, spread it. Solidarity [...]

May Day plans in Port-au-Prince: Textile Unions

From PLASIT — TEXTILE UNIONS’ PLATFORM Workers of all factories, laborers, Labor Organizations, popular organizations, students, street vendors, progressives and all those who are struggling to make a living: come and join the March on May Day 2015 to demand: A minimum wage of at least 500 gourdes and all arrears retroactive to October 2014; [...]

Workers in Haiti force employers to negotiate!

Workers in Haiti struggle militantly, using strike actions to force employers to negotiate! ___ UPDATE on the Struggle in Subcontractor Factories A report from Batay Ouvriye April 2015 This is an assessment of the general situation in the subcontracting sector, particularly in the Apaid group and the Korean factories such as DKDR. Workers in the [...]

Photos of the cane cutters’ march in the Dominican Republic

Here are photos from a march and demonstration last week (March 18) of sugar cane cutters in Santo Domingo. The Union of Sugarcane Workers have been waging a national mobilization campaign since February 25.Their demands are: • 3rd Pension Act for sugarcane workers. • Medical Insurance. • Increased pension RD $ 5,000 to RD $ [...]

Support Haitian Sugar Cane Cutters in the Dominican Republic!

Please consider sending a note of encouragement and solidarity to Haitian sugar cane cutters in the Dominican Republic who are taking a stand today and Wednesday, as described below in a message from Batay Ouvriye. Their email address: To find out more about the lives of the workers in sugar production, here's a documentary, [...]