The Immeasurable Cost Behind Our Holiday Shopping

Worker at Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics manufacturer best known for producing Apple (AAPL) iPhones and iPads. ‘Tis the season for consumerism! But it’s about time we open our eyes to capitalism and imperialism. This is a time of the year when consumption peaks. Amazon warehouse and shipping workers work insane hours to make [...]

Tax Plan Uses Students to Accumulate Capital

About 30 people participated in the walk out. We demonstrated in a part of campus where lots of students passed by, so I was able to give away all of our leaflets in about five minutes. Students walking by, as well as some of the people participating in the walkout, showed interest in the perspective [...]

Turning Point USA – Fascism on Campus

On Monday, October 9, 2017, the FIU chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) hosted the organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk. Turning Point USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded on June 5, 2012 with a mission to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government. According to [...]

Puerto Rico: Imperialism is the Root Problem

May Day 2017 protest in San Juan PR over economic crisis & austerity measures. It's been a minute since we've posted. Hurricane Irma prep, aftermath, and catch up slowed us down in south Florida. But! We're psyched that students at Florida International University decided to be a part of One Struggle! They recently [...]

It’s Fascism, Y’all.

This is a volatile moment. It's not just about hate and white supremacy... It's about capitalism in crisis. This is an admittedly limited starting point for digging deeper to understand what's going on and how we got here: * Alt-right, white supremacists, white nationalists, Trump… there is actually one term for their camp – Fascists. [...]

Your Worth Is More Than Your Productivity

I work in a creative field.  I am responsible for a host of logistics, and must constantly conceptualize and provide ideas that will keep our brand attractive to the industry. I really enjoy my work and being on a team where we're encouraged to share ideas. However, though teamwork is emphasized, my coworkers and I [...]

Monsanto is Poisoning the Food Supply… but I Have 10 New IG Followers.

by SC When I first watched Eddie Pepitone’s In Ruins, I laughed hysterically… a laugh that contained both anxiety and relief. Anxiety – because he’s fucking right. The world is a hot mess and too many of us are still absorbed with our individual selves, our brands, our social media feeds. Relief – because I’m [...]