Protesters throw a statue of slave trader Edward Colston into Bristol harbour, during a Black Lives Matter protest rally, in Bristol, England, Sunday June 7, 2020, in response to the recent killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, USA, that has led to protests in many countries and across the US. (Ben Birchall/PA via AP)
Around the world, monuments to slavery, capitalism and imperialism are being toppled. Demands to defund the police are gaining traction. This is a start, but we will not be pacified!
This country, its courts, its police, its Congress were constructed on the genocide of indigenous peoples, the theft and enslavement of Africans, and the exploitation of workers. “Liberty and justice for all” has been a farce from the get-go.
Racism is a violent ideology embedded into capitalism. We see it evident in the economy and in politics through Jim Crow laws, redlining and restrictive covenants for housing, food deserts, the school-to-prison pipeline, police brutality, and Black Americans dying at higher rates from Coronavirus.
The justice we seek will never come from capitalist institutions. An “inclusive” capitalism will still be fueled by the violent antagonisms of exploitation, domination, and oppression of people in this country and in others through imperialism.
The combativity and unrelenting demands of this moment cannot subside when we aren’t in the streets!
Our priority now is ORGANIZATION, INDEPENDENT of political parties, nonprofits and other capitalist/imperialist interests that keep us chasing radical change through elections and funding. These are tools to pacify and disorganize us. The Civil Rights Movement was built by many organizations doing work for decades! When Martin Luther King began the Poor People’s Campaign, capitalists caught a glimpse of the power contained by people unified against this entire arrangement of society. We witnessed their violent response.
Spontaneous resistance must transition into building disciplined organizations and a structured movement. Until we do this, our efforts will consistently be swept up by those in power, those most organized.
We need a movement that can provide continuity beyond waves of mass scale mobilizations. We need organized relationships, networks and communication. We need centralization among neighborhood groups, Black organizations, Indigenous groups, anti-imperialist groups, worker organizations, student groups, teachers, service laborers, artists, environmentalists, and anyone willing to join the struggle to flip this world on its head. There will always be differences among us, but call out culture gets us nowhere.
Let’s struggle for POLITICAL UNITY and RESIST SECTARIANISM. We must BUILD OUR STRENGTH to confront our common enemies: capitalists and their representatives.
We’ll take concessions from the enemy, but won’t be fooled into thinking we’ve won. Our goal is to weaken this entire system. In this work, we’ll start to build new structures and social relations for a different world – one free of racism, class divisions, exploitation, domination and oppression. Everyone has a role to play, so get in touch. We have work to do.
FB – @OneStruggle
IG – @SeedsofUnity