Exploitation in Fashion

By Designer X Grab a shirt from your closet. Look at the tag inside the collar, and you’ll see where it was produced, listed right next to the size and material composition. Chances are that it was sewn in some other country that you’ve never been to, by someone who lives on the edge of [...]

Facing the Tipping Point of American Civilization

By Brian Stetten When on Earth are we going to wake up and begin questioning the very nature of our economic and political systems? In June of last year, Conservative Member of Parliament Cecil Parkinson on BBC made the surreal statement, “The capitalists are destroying capitalism.” He stated this with a certain amount of surprise, [...]

Capitalism Must Die! A Series in Parts: Part 11

Meanwhile, another way that the capitalists add value to their products is through the externalization of costs. Basically, they’re not paying the full production costs for the commodities. Pollution from the production process is discharged into the environment. The numerous and serious consequences of this, never mind the cleanup which never happens, are not paid [...]

Capitalism Must Die! A Series in Parts: Part 10

The next part of the cycle is production. The defining features of capitalism are right here at the point of production, with the exploitation of labor and the production of surplus value. I’m going to come back to that in a few days, to describe that process in more detail. […]

Capitalism Must Die! A Series in Parts: Part 9

There are many ways that imperialists accomplish the expropriation of land, including overt war, and more subtle means like grain dumping to destroy subsistence farmers. This theft accomplishes a few things in favor of capital. The conqueror can use that land and extract whatever is in it and on it. And as the people are [...]